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photosynthetic efficiency中文是什么意思

用"photosynthetic efficiency"造句"photosynthetic efficiency"怎么读"photosynthetic efficiency" in a sentence


  • 光合作用
  • 光合效率


  • Hyv is required to possess higher photosynthetic efficiency and respond to high rates of nitrogen fertilizer and resist to lodging as well as maximize yield components
  • A hyv is required to possess higher photosynthetic efficiency and respond to high rates of nitrogen fertilizer and resist to lodging as well as maximize yield components
  • Cd destroyed photosynthetic pigment , especially chlorophyll a and photosynthetic tissues , which then affected the photosynthetic efficiency and held back the growth of plants
    Cd ~ ( 2 + )破坏美人蕉光合作用色素特别是叶绿素a 、光合组织等,影响其光合作用效率,抑制其正常生长。
  • Various studies have been made to attempt to itemize the energy flow of an entire ecosystem , taking into account factors such as incoming radiation , photosynthetic efficiency , etc
  • The major target of photoinhibition is photosystem ii ( psii ) on which photoinhibition make photosynthetic efficiency decreased , electronic transportation blocked and reaction center protein dl photodamaged
    已有研究表明ps是主要靶点,光抑制时表现为: ps光合效率下降、 ps电子传递链活性下降及核心蛋白被氧化而破坏。
  • The photosynthetic characters of super - high - yield rice ( oryza sativa ) , its photoinhibition and genetic law of photosynthetic traits and screening of high photosynthetic efficiency materials etc . were reviewed in this paper
  • Terrestrial plants are classified into three major photosynthetic types , namely , c3 , c4 and crassulacean acid metabolism ( cam ) plants , according to the mechanism of their photosynthetic carbon assimilation . c4 plants have co2 concentrating mechanism and higher photosynthetic efficiency than c3 plants , especially under high light intensity , high temperature , high oxygen partial pressure and drought conditions
    本研究利用c _ 3植物、 c _ 4植物、旱稻与稗草等的杂交后代的材料,进行光合速率的测定,进一步分析植株在光能吸收传递、气孔调节、羧化反应等生理特性,研究高光效的生理机制。
用"photosynthetic efficiency"造句  


The photosynthetic efficiency is the fraction of light energy converted into chemical energy during photosynthesis in plants and algae. Photosynthesis can be described by the simplified chemical reaction
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